• Welcome to the new Weatherby Rifles Forum

    Hi all

    Now we got the update I (hopefully we) has been waiting for.

    The CMS start page is a little empty, but i know that many are writing the articles to the start page,

    I need some day to find out of the new software and make the start page a little more interesting.

    The forum, blogs has a new skin but is mostly the same.

    Hopefully you like it,

    Comments 9 Comments
    1. 340 Weatherby's Avatar
      340 Weatherby -
      Nice, it will take some time to get used to.
      Will the layout be changed, or will you stick to the VB4 style?
    1. skipper's Avatar
      skipper -
      Will the layout be changed, or will you stick to the VB4 style?

      i will change it, when i find a better one, but first i have to get the cms to work and have installed all my statistic, flashchat, registrations question,

      not many skin work at 4.0 for now
    1. JGant's Avatar
      JGant -
      The old format was just fine.
    1. 300WthbySynt's Avatar
      300WthbySynt -
      Its not bad like stated before will definently need some time for adjustment.
    1. Kodiak's Avatar
      Kodiak -
      Quote Originally Posted by JGant View Post
      The old format was just fine.

      the old way was ok.

      But just maybe it's time to move on. Old folks have old ways, and that includes me .

      See ya along the way,

    1. JohnnieB's Avatar
      JohnnieB -
      Getting used to the new format, no problems here!
    1. skipper's Avatar
      skipper -
      i will change the layout, to something nicer, but it al the new funktions and the start page with articles ect that i thinks will be a bonus.

      my plans are to get a custom made stylesheet for this forum, with some buttoms like W ect, but this software is so new, that i think it will samo mouths before skins are ready
    1. Mike378's Avatar
      Mike378 -
      Quote Originally Posted by skipper View Post
      i will change the layout, to something nicer, but it al the new funktions and the start page with articles ect that i thinks will be a bonus.

      my plans are to get a custom made stylesheet for this forum, with some buttoms like W ect, but this software is so new, that i think it will samo mouths before skins are ready
      In my opinion there are a couple of ways to kill a forum:

      1) Keep changing it.

      2) Have a forum that is different to what is commonly encountered. Wby Nation is a good example. A huge membership and no posting activity.
    1. skipper's Avatar
      skipper -

      i am not trying to kill it

      the forum runs like the old one almost, the new is the start page, if some don't want to use it, just bookmark the forum page, and they will not se a big difference.

      the forum is getting big and it get more difficult to find god things, and there I will have some good long articles, that are easy to update about the importent stuff,