The MOD will cover all 9 lug Weatherby Rifles from 257 Weatherby Magnum and up to the 460 Weatherby Magnum.
Please be aware that this info is NOT for the 6 lug version of the Weatherby MK V.
This instructions can be used to replace or to mod the original spring.
To cut the spring is something that is out of the hands of both and Weatherby.
So if you do so, it is on your own risk!
First, the tools needed for the job. Trigger assembly, new spring and a mandrel.
A hammer and some thin oil will also be handy.
A Weatherby deskmat under the parts is a matter of course!

Tap out pin #1:

Pin gone, now remove "sear" part, by tapping out pin #2:

Here is pin and the sear removed.
Now remove the spring, and the disk below the spring.

Tap out pin #3 and pull the trigger backwards, while you are holding your other hand over the bolt stop pin/spring.
If not, the pin/spring will fly a feet or two...

Now there is only one part left, the trigger spring.
Have a look in the front of the trigger housing, you should be able to see the spring.
Use a small screwdriver and get it UP through the hole.
DO NOT try to remove the slottet unbrako to pull it down. It won't work!

To the left is the old spring, to the right is the new one.

The original spring is often grinded in the ends to make a flat surface.
There is no need to grind the new spring, and for safety reasons don't!

So, it is time to put the trigger back into order. Replace the spring, insert boltstop with spring.
Insert trigger from the rear, check that the trigger spring is in place and not bended by the trigger.
Make sure the front of the trigger is OVER the spring.
If the spring gets bended, adjust it with a small screwdriver. Loosening the slotted hex in the bottom will also help a bit.
Now, slide the trigger further forward, so the boltstop is resting in the trigger fork.

Insert pin #3.
Then insert the spring with the disk in the bottom.
A small amount of grease/oil on the disk, will make it stick to the spring.
So it will be easy to get into place.
Now, press the sear down on the spring, align the holes and insert pin #2.
This is the most difficult part of the job.
Here it is done:

Press down the sear and insert pin #1.

That's all folks, hope this was easy to understand.
Best of luck while gunsmithing your Weatherby!!!
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