I live i Denmark (capital Copenhagen, Tivoli, H.C Andersen) 20km from Copenhagen.
Due that we don't have wild boar, moose, bear in our country many Danes travel to our neighbor’s Sweden
drove from my home to Helsingør and went on the ferry the 5 km to Sweden, and I had very nice view to the castle Kornberg (you now Hamlet , William Shakespeare).
And when I came to Sweden I drove about 190 km to a little city Grimlöv (30km south of Veksjö), where I have rented a little cabin.
I have packed my things out and have something to eat and some coffee.
At 1815 came my Swedish hunting friends and we drove to the little hunting cabin 1,2*1,2 meter, close to a place when we feed roe dear, wild boar, ect.
I only have a picture from last summer,so you can see how it looks. But now there was 10cm of snow an about -14 degrees Celsius.
I was waiting until about 22.15 then came 3 wild boar out of the forest and start eat bread. 2 stand with their behind to me and the 3 one stand with the side to me, Big mistake.
I had 3 rifles out of the gun safe thinking about what to take with me, the .300, .378. and the 460. But the choice was the .378wby. And thebullet was a 380 grains Rhino. I made a perfect shoot at 30 meters and the wild boar dead on the spot.
About one hour later my friend came with the car and we drove to a little slaughterhouse 10km from the hunt, and did the “hard” work
Sunday I pack my car and drove south to Malmö and went over the bridge from Sweden to Denmark (16 km long combined bridge and tunnel between Malmo and Copenhagen)

It is a very beautiful drive and the trip takes 2½ hours and Iit is about 220km.
So this is how I spent my weekend, how did you hunting go?,
you are welcome to make a huntingreport about hunting I your country J
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