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Just brought a mark v weatherby

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Hello members, I just brought a mark v weatherby and haven't shot it yet, but the sales person told me I am to I had little knowlegde of long range rifles and would like to ask you guys. Do you think this Mark V weatherby is a good weapon for long distance shooting?

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  1. Fery's Avatar
    Congradulations, You didnīt mention the calibre. I own a 378 Weatherby Mark V Deluxe. Excellent rifle!. Beautiful and outstanding performance.
  2. Hickok's Avatar
    The .300 Weatherby is most definately a very good longe range rifle!
  3. ARMORPIERCER's Avatar
    The Caliber is a .300 Mark V Weatherby Fery, sorry about that.
  4. Fery's Avatar
    An outstanding choice you made. Excellent performance.